Saturday, April 1, 2017

Install, configure and run Gitlab Runner with the Docker executor

Gitlab makes continuous integration possible with Gitlab Runners. In this short blog, we will go through all the steps required in order to have Gitlab Runner ready to run and test your code immediately after a change is made to your code base.

  1. Installing Gitlab Runner
  2. Configuring Gitlab Runner
  3. Running Gitlab Runner

  1. Installing Gitlab Runner
There are multiple ways for installing Gitlab Runner. Gitlab docs are very (overly) instructive and can be found at

For our purposes, we will use the packaged version:

sudo apt-get install gitlab-ci-multi-runner

2. Configuring Gitlab Runner

Gitlab Runner offers multiples environments (executors) for running and testing your code. I highly recommend using the Docker executor. It has the following advantages:
  1. Ability to test your code in an environment close to your production environment.
  2. Running untested (since this will the first time running it!) code in an isolated environment.
  3. Reproducible results since a docker image is immutable.

Configuration is comprised of multiple steps through a set of prompts. To start configuring, run the following command:
sudo gitlab-ci-multi-runner register
The first prompt will be:
Please enter the gitlab-ci coordinator URL (e.g.
 If the gitlab instance is running on then the registration address should be:
The following prompt will be:

Please enter the gitlab-ci token for this runner:
You can find the token at

Please enter the gitlab-ci description for this runner:
Enter a human readable description which will appear in the admin page.
Please enter the gitlab-ci tags for this runner (comma separated):
Imagine there are java and c++ projects. Each may have their own set of OS particularities based on your production setup. You could have a separate docker runner for your Java and C++ apps which we will specify in the prompts below. More to the point, there may be multiple Java or C++ apps working with specific versions of the compiler.

In this particular example, enter “java,v1.8” as a tag.
Whether to run untagged builds [true/false]:
If true, the gitlab runner will run for changes made to the repository, tagged or untagged. Setting it to true is my preference as it allows error detection earlier in the development cycle.

Please enter the executor: docker-ssh, virtualbox, ssh, docker+machine, docker-ssh+machine, kubernetes, docker, parallels, shell:
We are focusing on docker executors so let’s select ‘docker’.

Please enter the default Docker image (e.g. ruby:2.1):
This is key and this is where tags become very useful. If you want this runner to be used to compile and test Java 1.8 programs then you would select an image which has a Java 1.8 compiler. If your project is built using Maven, that should be in the image as well.

The docker registry used will be whichever is set in the docker engine. By default, the Gitlab runner is setup to always pull images during each run. That can be changed.

Please refer to the next post on common errors/troubleshooting.

3. Running Gitlab Runner

In order for the project to trigger the runner, a .gitlab-ci.yaml must be created at the root of the project.

In order to build and test a java project using maven, the docker image used must have java and maven installed.

The .gitlab-ci.yaml can be as simple as:

image: ubuntu_runner:latest

   - mvn install -q
There may be several Gitlab runners already configured for different purposes, different languages, different versions and so on so forth. To ensure we use the runner we have just configured, we need to specify the runner through tags in the yaml file.

Early, we had specified “java” and “v1.8” as tags and those can set in the yaml file.

image: ubuntu_runner:latest

   - java
   - v1.8
   - mvn install -q 
The next post focuses on Gitlab Runner troubleshooting.

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